Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Winsor Pilates Review

Winsor Pilates sent me their Deluxe Kit. It comes with 8 DVD’s, Wellness guide, Elastic resistance Band, and weighted Gloves. Fitness expert Mari Winsor has made Pilates more popular and easier to obtain over the years. Now its in almost every fitness club you go to!

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I tried Windsor Pilates years and years ago, and I remember it being great on the joints without much pain. Now I get to try them AGAIN as a middle aged woman with adult kids, an elementary aged kid, and grandkids.

I noticed a nice gentle workout that had a decent amount of resistance. This could be great for some rehab patients, as well as the inflexible, pregnant mamas, and even seniors. You can also buy different bands if you want to increase or decrease the resistance.

Now to have great results you have to do these workouts with consistency. Something I am TERRIBLE at. If you have pointers, please comment on this post. I NEED THEM.

First of all is the price point. We all know working out at home is tough. We shouldn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for great videos. This deluxe kit sells for $49.95. Seems reasonable with 8 videos and accessories. They also have the following available on Amazon (FREE shipping with amazon prime).

Their product page has several different systems that you can purchase. 

I still remember the days where you purchase items over the phone and have to pay $100 over the phone in 3 installments and you wait patiently for the item, only to find out you hated them, and then couldn’t get customer service on the phone. THEN once you did, you got things cancelled and you were still charged the monthly installments and have to argue about them for months with multiple phone calls.  Luckily with the internet (yes, I remember life before the internet) things have changed a lot for consumers.

Secondly, are the workout and quality of products themselves. I found the products to be sound quality and they seem to be handling the workouts just fine. The workouts are nice and low impact which is great for anyone to do.  Everyone needs a bit of exercise to get their blood moving and their muscles stretched.

These testimonials are all celebrities, so I think that’s a bit interesting. I would like to see a way for customers to submit their own testimonials on the website so you can see unfiltered reviews.

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