Tuesday, November 29, 2016

SHOLDit Scarf review

Sholdit  sent me this infinity scarf with a hidden pocket.

You can get great deals on amazon. Black,  lynx red,

This is the basic in  Haze grey. I have to fly coast to coast 3 times a year. I received this just before my last trip. Their scarves are made lightweight with 2 types of fabric. I wore this scarf doubled over. However when I traveled I found I had to undo it to get to my things. Napping on the plane was great as I just slid my phone into the pouch.

All of their scarves convert into to a clutch purse (turn inside out and tuck into the pocket) that you can add a wristlet too. . This particular scarf is 31" long and 10" wide. There is one zipper pocket 9"x 8". All Fabric 100% poly blend

This video shows great ways to style your Sholdit. I did not see this video before my last trip. I think I like the knotted version which would be right below the pocket.

I actually wear this scarf throughout the week even if I don't use the pocket. It keeps me warm and is super soft. They are also easy to wash in the washer, just make sure to lay flat to dry.

I see so many colors and patterns that I want now. I love the fact that in the winter I don't necessarily need to mess with a purse over a bulky jacket. I just take a small wallet, keys, phone and a lipstick. Easy peasy! This has to be one of my favorite items lately. Its functional and pretty!
Here is Angela and SholdIts story. Take a look at their selections at their selection. on amazon!

This post does contain affiliate links, however the opinion is my own.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Yellowberry Company Bras for girls review and giveaway!

YellowBerry Bras sent me this adorable bra to review.  Check out the selection on amazon to get in time for Christmas!

I finally found a bra that my daughter loves!   The bras are designed by two sisters who have a great story.  Megan was 17 at the time and she was helping her younger sister look for bras. Not happy with the bra selection marketed to her younger sister, she set out on a mission that lead to the creation of YellowBerry. Check out their full story.

This Is the Ladybug bra in poppy.  The first thing I noticed was how age appropriate the bra is. The colors are fun and the design is perfect for young girls. They even have a First Bra Collection to help moms and daughters in search of the first bra.

When I flipped the bra over, it dawned on my that in the ad they only show the back view. The front of the bra is not shown (that I could find) either on the model or laying out for marketing pics. Keeping girls modest.........I love that. As Little Crazy Life grows up we will be hitting that stage of - TEENAGER (hold me)!  Knowing there is a cute bra that keeps her modest makes me feel good.

When I looked at the seams and construction, I loved that there is no tag and that it's really soft.  

I've been following these ladies since they were on Kickstarter.  The styles are so pretty and classic. I'm so excited to see where these girls go.

If you would like a great holiday gift here is there Holiday gift guide.

Enter to win An XS Yellowberry bra in poppy, just like above!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Shapeways review!

Shapeways has a holiday gift guide for those impossible to shop for people!

amazon even carries some of their items.

Here is the previous blog post on the holiday gift guide. I am doing a secondary post with actual pictures of the items.

You can hire a designer as well as just shopping for pre-made products. The request to a designer was responded to and the one asked for $80 for one hour of design work. Not bad considering 3-d printers can be thousands of dollars.

spinning star bauble The Spinning Star is part of the Christmas Bauble collection. These Christmas Tree decorations beautifully combine elegant open spirals and geometric forms. This ornament is fairly flexible and looks like they built the chain, star, and spirals all separately. This is a fantastic ornament, and cannot wait to see it on my tree.

pinecone luminary Use your own Christmas tree's lights to illuminate these classic Christmas icons from within! Fits over standard Christmas tree T1¾ mini lights.This is a very rigid decoration and is not flexible at all. I will update this post with a picture once it put up our tree.

Itty bitty sad Keanu Sad Keanu comes in two sizes. Both are equally sad. This is a gift for my husband and he is going to FREAK out! I think this is made of sandstone and its amazing.

This tealight holder casts a shadow on your wall. Its fairly thin and somewhat flexible. I'm waiting for amazon to ship me my battery operated tealights and will update this when they come in.

Star projection Tea light Looking something special to light up your room? This candle will cast a beautiful shadow on your wall. The 3d print is a bit twisted so it makes the shadow a perfect star-shape. Just put a tealight in and you're done!

Apple watch charging station works extremely well. Mr. CrazyLife wants a second one for work.

The Fusion Imaging Apple Watch Charging Stand 'Loop' has been designed with simplicity, style, and function in mind. It's elegant looks and smooth soft lines blend seamlessly into any space making it the perfect accessory for home and office. Your USB cable feeds n into the stand from behind and locks on the back of the frame reducing cable clutter, while the charging disc fits firmly in place on the front.

 This is for Little CrazyLifes Godfather for Christmas. I cannot wait to see this on their tree. It is a HoHum Cat. I believe this is made of sandstone as well.
Ho-Hum Cat Ornament is designed as a Christmas tree decoration the ornament has a hole in the collar to thread ribbon or a hook through.

Check out their holiday gift guide for ideas at any price range you want. There are some VERY cool products here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hard Candy makeup sets review

Hard Candy sent me a couple selections of their makeup to review. I don't wear much makeup due to sensitivities to chemicals. The oldest CrazyLife kid gets these. Here is our feedback.

The Smoky look face collection had baked bronzer, liquid eyeliner, glitter mascara, eye shadow palette, and applicator brush. The smoky palette has six colors in neutral colors that went on well. The palette has a sweet purple\lace edge to it. The glitter mascara is purple, so not really able to use it on my lashes by itself. Using it as a topcoat for mascara worked out great. The liquid eyeliner is silver, so it didn't show up on my fair skin well, but is a great way to add just a touch of shimmer.

This is twisted metal fierce effects lipstick. This is definitely geared towards the young crowd. It has almost a berry scent. The lipstick container has silver indents on the lid which actually makes it a bit easier to find in the bottom of your purse.

These fierce effects lipglosses are true to color. The white (party mix) is an iridescent/clear almost snow looking. the green (so fresh)  is great for a topcoat of the fierce effects lipstick, but not sure I would wear it on its own. the brown (trophy wife) and pink (turn it up) are pretty true to color, so I use it lightly.

The eyeshadow palette has 10 colors in a range of browns/tans and some have metallic look to them. The Front has a quilted light pink detail on it.

The lip stains are called "all matte up" or "all glossed up".
The colors are fairly true to color. Ive left them on to see how well they stain the lips. I didn't have great luck, but then again, I could use a lip exfoliation as well.

Lastly I received a small set of different Hard candy products. It contained (from left to right) cheeky tints sheer blush gel, sheer envy primer perfecting, layered lip gloss, cheeky tints sheer blush gels, and an eyeshadow duo.

The colors are all really muted and go on well. I really like the primer and notice a difference in how my makeup goes on. The sheer blush gels are nice because they don't look fake, make you look like you have a sunburn, or like you slept with makeup on.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fresh Wave Review and Giveaway

 Fresh Wave sent me a few of their odor removing products. I'm always looking for a healthy natural way to keep the house feeling clean. Fresh Wave depends on no harsh chemicals, heavy perfumes, or toxic ingredients. This makes me happy. Read more of their story. The products are made from water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood.

 Odor removing gel was very musky, so my husband put it in his car. He works in an office but he is very active with rock climbing and working out. Gym bags smell TERRIBLE and that was very apparent in his car.
 These are the ingredients on the back. He has had it in his car about a month now. The smell of the product has lessened quite a bit, but his car still doesn't smell, so that's a plus.

Gel Packs are great for on the go. Mr. Crazy Life put one of these in his gym bag side pocket. Again these are fairly musky, so I opted to let him have the pods for his stinky gym bag. The original pod is still in his car and still working, so this seems to be the most effective for small spaces.

The spray is musky, so Mr. Crazy Life lucked out in getting all three of these products. This is great to spray directly on smells especially in the car where his gym bag, or shoes might have been as well as IN his shoes.

One thing I do love about this product is it doesn't mask the smell. It really helps kill the smell at the source. Its made in Indiana USA!

Enter to win!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Skybell HD review

Hey guys! I'm partnering with Skybell again to bring you an updated video doorbell. Last year I reviewed their Skybell and we LOVED it.

The HD skybell comes in silver or bronze. (aff links).

This is a great addition to any home. You don't even have to be home to answer the door, which gives the illusion that someone is home and protects you and your home. If you live alone, have kids, have mobility issues, or even if you just like your privacy.... this doorbell is a great tool for you.

Get ready for their new improved HD version. This thing blows the last one out of the water! In honor of our veterans #SkybellSupports has launched a great campaign. I am so happy to be part of this.

The skybell came in a nice compact box with everything you need to install. We already had the mounting kit installed from the last skybell, so this was even easier. There is no complicated wiring to do, and the configuring to your phone was even easier than the last skybell.

Seriously, look at the clarity! I took this at work when Mr. Crazy Life had a contractor over prepping to do some work. You can download clips to your phone if you need to, view them from your phone, or answer chime on your phone in real time.

SkyBell HD won the "Best Doorbell" category in CNET's list of Best Smart Home devices of 2016: http://cnet.co/1micDUW

Happy #VeteransDay! There is less than one week left to share your #SkyBellSupports videos and support @WWP pic.twitter.com/crBjygLu5q! Don't forget to tag me @CrazylifeAsMom on twitter! Submit now to show your support for our troops and for a chance to win an Amazon gift card. http://bit.ly/2f6uNIY

SkyBell is dedicated to supporting our troops and military families and, in honor of Veterans Day, they're donating to the Wounded Warrior Project. Through 11/18, the team welcomes people to show their support by sharing messages of love and gratitude to veterans and/or our active armed forces via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #SkyBellSupports. SkyBell will donate money to Wounded Warriors for each video submitted and will also gift an Amazon gift card to the family whose video gains the most likes and shares.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Shapeways Holiday gift guide for unique items!

Shapeways has a holiday gift guide for those impossible to shop for people!

There are SO many things I would love to buy! I will list my top choices for you. One of my favorite things about this site is you can actually hire a designer as well! I've submitted a request to a designer and will let you know what I find out. Its a product for a very specific use.

spinning star bauble The Spinning Star is part of the Christmas Bauble collection. These Christmas Tree decorations beautifully combine elegant open spirals and geometric forms

pinecone luminary Use your own Christmas tree's lights to illuminate these classic Christmas icons from within! Fits over standard Christmas tree T1¾ mini lights.

Itty bitty sad Keanu Sad Keanu comes in two sizes. Both are equally sad.

Star projection Tea light Looking something special to light up your room? This candle will cast a beautiful shadow on your wall. The 3d print is a bit twisted so it makes the shadow a perfect star-shape. Just put a tealight in and your done!

Apple watch charging station The Fusion Imaging Apple Watch Charging Stand 'Loop' has been designed with simplicity, style, and function in mind. It's elegant looks and smooth soft lines blend seamlessly into any space making it the perfect accessory for home and office.

Your USB cable feeds in from behind and locks on the back of the frame reducing cable clutter, while the charging disc fits firmly in place on the front.

Ho-Hum Cat Ornament A purr-fect present for the Scrooge in your life. Designed as a Christmas tree decoration the ornament has a hole in the collar to thread ribbon or a hook through. Also makes a fun tree topper- Move over fairy!

Check out their holiday gift guide for ideas at any price range you want. There are some VERY cool products here!