Saturday, January 30, 2016

Handsocks review and giveaway

These Handsocks are SO Adorable!
They are invented by a mom to help solve lost mitten problems. The neat thing about this is they also provide scratch protection, adds layers and warmth, and looks adorable doing it. They come in pink or blue in newborn to 3 years.

One thing that I love about this company is they donate to orphans.
"Casey and the Handsocks team believe that every child deserves a safe, loving and happy childhood. She decided early on that Handsocks would help children in need, and we’re proud to say that a percentage of all Handsocks sales are donated to a registered charity dedicated to offering support and hope to orphans worldwide."

They flip inside out to reveal a pattern and let the hands be free. The shape of the handsocks hold them in place and they are SUPER soft. Open, scrunch, slide and close. These are washed in cold water by hand and hang  dry.

When Virginia Mom Casey Burke Bunn forgot to pack mittens and layers for her daughter, she used a pair of ski socks to keep her hands and arms warm….and the idea for Handsocks was born!
She set out to create the perfect mitten for babies and toddlers: cozy, comfortable, warm, protecting and, they stay on without Velcro or straps. She created just what we were all wishing existed in Handsocks.

This is a fantastic creation! Here in the Pacific northwest it gets wet and cold. These are ADORABLE, soft, AND warm. A great combination when you can still access those cute little fingers! Check out the testimonials......

Enter to win yours!


  1. These look super cozy!! Do they have adult sizes too!?! Lol

  2. Totally coming down the line * promise!
