Saturday, March 21, 2015

Canyon Bakehouse Review and giveaway

Canyon Bakehouse  sent me some goodies to try and report back.
The mister has been gluten free for about 4 years now. Our quest for tasty Gluten Free products has often been met with high disappointment with an hefty price tag. Much of the Gluten Free (GF) product lines are dry, crumbly and tasteless. Until we found THIS!
Mr Crazy Life is Gluten Free, Little Crazy Life is Dairy free, and I am soy free. Canyon Bakehouse is a dedicated Gluten, dairy, soy and nut free facility!! Queue up the angels singing because this is music to my ears! Now do their products taste good?

This post is specifically in regards to the 7 grain, Cinnamon raisin, Hamburger buns, and Rosemary Thyme Focaccia.

First thing I noticed is the smell when I opened the box. I traced it back to the focaccia bread. SO Tasty!! It is soft and dense just like bread should be.
The 7 grain bread is soft, pliable and even Little Crazy Life will eat it! She doesn’t have to be Gluten Free but for contamination purposes we keep the food in the house GF. We’ve struggled with sandwiches before finding this bread and now she will actually eat them! This will be a blessing for school lunches! In a pinch we have used this bread as hamburger buns also. Very tasty!

I adore cinnamon raisin bread with butter or coconut oil. Many of the brands we have tried just are not  soft and I end up toasting them only since toast is better with a dry texture. THIS was fantastic! Soft, pliable and DELICIOUS.
The hamburger buns were a breath of fresh air. Seriously. Have you ever tried To make a burger with the buns that are more like chewing stale sourdough? These were tender and so good! Even Mr Crazy Life liked them.

I'm looking forward to trying their deli rye style and cranberry crunch muffins!

In our GF journey I have learned to promote the brands we love so others don’t suffer with feeling like they are different and having to be tortured with bad food. They even have a form that you can fill out and take to your local store to request their products to be carried.


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