Friday, November 28, 2014

Tacky Box review and giveaway!

The Tacky box sent me this really awesome book/box set. It comes in either Margo or Max.

The idea of this box is to make choices with the words we say. Their motto is to make the world a kinder place one word at a time. Check out their campaign for kindness. This has made my daughter more aware of her words that are not necessarily nice and actually think about phrases that are inappropriate as well.

The papers to write bad words they hear and lock them up forever. This really brought to my attention how many mean words are in childrens shows these days. Mr. Crazy Life and I are very selective of what shows Little Crazy can watch. However as she gets older we cannot protect her from the world completely. This has actually given her a tool to discreetly write the word down and lock it up in the box. Grandma Crazy Life came over for Thanksgiving and said stupid. Normally Little Crazy would say "GRANDMA!". This time she disappeared and added it to her Tacky box.
Writing a word she heard to put in the tacky box.
This is little crazy lifes decorated box. She decided to write a positive statement on the lid of the box to remind her that her words matter. I asked her what she would like to change about the tacky box and she said nothing! She liked the idea of the monkeys being on the bottom leaving a blank slate on the top, but she really likes the box.
NOW! Enter to win!!! :)

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