Saturday, November 29, 2014

DNA Life Bars review

DNA Life Bars Sent me three packages in exchange for my honest review.

Chocolate and roasted quinoa was Mr Crazy Life and little crazy lifes favorite by far. I loved the outside that was coated in delicious chocolate.
The Chocolate coconut fudge was my favorite by far. It was super moist and very hard to stop myself from eating both.

This green apple cinnamon was small but packed a punch. I tasted just like apple pie! It was pure heaven.

My favorite thing is that they are All-Natural, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, and have no refined sugar.  Read about their ingredients here.

These bars are packed with pure, clean and delicious ingredients that you would use in your own kitchen.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Plant Therapy essential oil formulas review and giveaway

Plant Therapy sent me two of their kid safe essential oils for review.

Immune boom and A+ attention  were the two formulas. The scents are wonderful. We used Immune boom in our diffusers at night when the benefits could be more concentrated. The A+ attention was great for little crazy lifes aromatherapy pendant. We absolutely love the scents and feel they make our home a healthier place.

"Immune Boom is the perfect choice to keep your child healthy. To help build your child’s immune system, diffuse a few drops of Immune Boom in your home."
You can also dilute Immune Boom in your favorite carrier oil at a up to a 4% dilution and apply to your child’s spine or feet.  It is formulated for children ages 2-10. This mix is an undiluted blend of Lemon, Palmarosa, Dill, Petitgrain, Copaiba and Frankincense carteri.

A+ Attention "Help your child stay on task by focusing on what’s in front of them. Whether they struggle with focusing at school or they suffer from ADHD"  5-10 drops to a diffuser or mix up to a 4% dilution in a carrier oil and apply to the chest, back of neck and/or wrist." 
 A+ Attention is formulated for children ages 2-10. This mix is an undiluted blend of Petitgrain, Bergamot, Cedarwood Atlas, Grapefruit, Lavender and Vetiver.


Tacky Box review and giveaway!

The Tacky box sent me this really awesome book/box set. It comes in either Margo or Max.

The idea of this box is to make choices with the words we say. Their motto is to make the world a kinder place one word at a time. Check out their campaign for kindness. This has made my daughter more aware of her words that are not necessarily nice and actually think about phrases that are inappropriate as well.

The papers to write bad words they hear and lock them up forever. This really brought to my attention how many mean words are in childrens shows these days. Mr. Crazy Life and I are very selective of what shows Little Crazy can watch. However as she gets older we cannot protect her from the world completely. This has actually given her a tool to discreetly write the word down and lock it up in the box. Grandma Crazy Life came over for Thanksgiving and said stupid. Normally Little Crazy would say "GRANDMA!". This time she disappeared and added it to her Tacky box.
Writing a word she heard to put in the tacky box.
This is little crazy lifes decorated box. She decided to write a positive statement on the lid of the box to remind her that her words matter. I asked her what she would like to change about the tacky box and she said nothing! She liked the idea of the monkeys being on the bottom leaving a blank slate on the top, but she really likes the box.
NOW! Enter to win!!! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Extend nutrition review and giveaway

Extend Nutrition sent me a variety of their products to review. These are the bars.  They are sugar free and a great option for those with diabetes. We have a gluten intolerance in the house but all of us really enjoyed the flavor of these. My daughter kept taking them as snacks in her backpack. If it passes little crazy life.. they must be good!!
• 0-1g Sugar • Low Net Carbs • High in Protein and Fiber • Low in fat with 0g trans fat • Gluten-free • • Low Glycemic Index • No Cholesterol

0-3g Sugar • Low Net Carbs • High in Protein and Fiber • Low in fat with 0g trans fat • Gluten-free • Low Glycemic Index • No Cholesterol • All Natural


2g Sugar • 6 Net Carbs • High in Protein (6g) and Fiber (6g) • Low in fat with 0g trans fat • Gluten-free • Low Glycemic Index • No Cholesterol


 1g Sugar • High in Protein (15g) and Fiber (5g) • Low in fat with 0g trans fat • Gluten-free
• Low Glycemic Index • 24 Vitamins and Minerals

Now enter to win your own!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

O&E bag review - AMAZING!

This was sent to me by O & E Designs for review and my honest opinion.

This bag is VERY high quality and absolutely ADORABLE!!! I may need to order a few different designs because these will be awesome even into teenage years! Do you see the sparkles on this bag? SO awesome. My daughter was Elsa for Halloween and sported this bag as her candy bag. That's how adorable it was!

Joelle picked out high quality fabric and sewed this impeccable bag for my daughter. Then she had to go and sell them too! LOL! The way Joelle sews this bag and pieced them together is so artful and beautiful. My daughter (and myself) are going to want so many more patterns of this. I believe its the Evelyn bag). It has a magnetic closure and every detail is tended to. She has not overlooked one single detail.

Check her out here

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Heart Felt Dryer Balls

Heart Felt Dryer Balls sent me this set of 4 dryer balls to review with my honest opinion.  

First of all the packaging! Adorable and simple. This would make a great baby gift!
Secondly a few facts.
These are made from densely felted organic New Zealand wool.
-When placed wet laundry they move between the folds breaking up clumps of wet clothes so the hot air can circulate and dry faster.
-The movement of the dryer balls act like a fabric softener (WITH NO CHEMICALS)
-The wool dryer balls absorb moisture reducing dry time by 30-50%.
This saves time and money! 
Check out their instructional video here!  I wish I would have had these when I was doing loads of cloth diapers! These are fantastic. I don't use chemical dryer sheets so these are amazing. I put a couple drops of essential oil on each ball and throw them in. VOILA! Wonderful smelling laundry without the toxic smells and customizable too! I use lavender when drying my daughters blankets for bed since I try to time it for the evening. My clothes I usually use lemongrass, and for hubby something a bit more manly. Here is a video on essential oils with the dryer balls.  I love watching her videos because her accent is ADORABLE! :)

If you have eczema or sensitive skin? Enjoy hypoallergenic, chemical free, naturally softened clothes.

Now enter to win your own set for yourself or as a gift! These are fantastic and I will be ordering more for friends having babies. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New green air Essential Oil diffuser and pendant review and giveaway

New Green Air sent me a two more diffusers for my honest review!

This product is so awesome. As Ive mentioned in my previous review with New Green Air Ive gotten into essential oils for health and healing purposes. This diffuser has a light that turns completely off. Since Mr. Crazy Life doesn't do well with sleeping with any lights this bad boy really fit the bill.
I grabbed some luke warm water and essential oil. I filled the base to the fill line and added 5 drops of essential oil.  I clicked the button on the base to start a show of rainbow colors fading into each other and the cold steam coming out the top of the cone.  


I absolutely LOVE these diffusers.  These spa vapor units have directional spouts which is nice because my daughters goes on a shelf in her room and this helps direct the mist over her bed while she sleeps.  This unit runs for 5-6 hours with autoshut off. 
 At night you are able to click the button a second time so that it just diffuses the oil. Mr Crazy Life cant sleep with light as in the previous review so this one was welcomed with rave reviews.

What we love about these diffusers is we are able to customize the scents we want without all the chemicals in commercial products. 

Pendants  - NewGreenair is now offering a fabulous line of Essential Oil Jewelry. This is a  sterling silver pendant. The necklaces allow you to carry your favorite essential oil. Add a couple drops of essential oil and the oil disperses from your body heat warming the glass/oil. These come with a velvet jewelry bag and 2 - 3ml droppers
Front with gem
I wore this when I wasn't feeling good and felt like I was coming down with something. Within an hour I felt fine and continued to wear it all day. Whatever congestion I had was GONE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway