Monday, August 1, 2011

Vacation and Reboot #2

We had a WONDERFUL vacation in Hawaii for a full 7 days. I am up 2.4 pounds. Not too bad. I tried to stick to the micro nutrient diet on vacation. I had coffee a couple times, but not every day like I used to. I am hoping the first 3 days of the 5-5-5 isnt as painful as the first round.

Day 1
Down 5 pounds total (after 2.4 pound gain of vacation)
Mostly lean green with spinach salad and roasted acorn squash for dinner from Wish me luck!

Day 2 (starting upon wakeup)
Down 1.4 pounds (6 total since rebooting)
A little frustrated with this low number, but highly likely that its due to not drinking enough water since I totally forgot yesterday and not being prepared mentally. Stuck with mainly the mean green today after an pear fennel for breakfast and tea.

Day 3 upon wakeup
Down 1.5 pounds
YES!!! Drinking tons of water DOES help! ;) Made a pear/fennel/pineapple today for breakfast following a cup of decaf green tea with lemon. SO GOOD. I have realized my need for snacking on empty calories is gone, and I dont crave my daily morning coffee with milk and Torani syrup! The second reboot has been easier on my body this time around. My pants are loose so I can actually dry them in the dryer now! :-P.

Day 4 upon wakeup
down .2 pounds
I cracked and had a bite of hubbys dinner, a bite of daughers cookie, and 1/2 avacado last night. I drank a boatload of water and stayed true to the juicing until evening. Having done reboot before vacation, I find the second time around more difficult.

Day 5 upon wakeup
Down 1 pound (total of 9 pounds for both rounds)
I had a bit of avacado last night and some tomato. I was starving. I drank a ton of decaf green tea with lemon. Green tea is the only thing equivalent to water from what I read. Its a bit slow going on the weight loss a total of 16 days on the juice fast and only lost 9 pounds. 9 is better than nothing though. 14 pounds until goal weight!! YEAH! I need to kick up the exercise but its been difficult with working full time, a 3 year old, her classes and tantrums. I need to use the elliptical downstairs thats just screaming my name and get out on more walks as a family. **Its mid day and Im trying to drink less at "meal" time, and leave some for sipping when I feel hungry (like now). I am hoping that helps.

Day 6 upon wakeup
no weight loss. I think its due to PMS. Staying strong! Though I did eat some mushrooms and a veggie or two yesterday.

Day 7 upon wakeup
no weight loss (total weight loss 9 pounds)
I think it is still PMS. Looking on Fat sick and nearly deads facebook page for a screenshot of a juicebar menu. There was a juice on there for that.
I had a small revelation last night. My migraines have disappeared, as well as the ringing in my ears from the inner ear problem I have (Menieres). AMAZING!

Day 8 upon wake up
No weight loss
Frustrating, but I know its due to water retention. Feeling the need to chew something so I might gnaw on some celery today.

Day 9 upon wakeup
TWO pounds (11 pounds total)
I made a new juice instead of just drinking pear fennel for breakfast and mean green all day. I also had 1/2 acorn squash with mushrooms and onion for dinner. Whatever is was, im down 2 pounds!! My jeans no longer hurt! I am so excited. 12 pounds to go!!
Great video on self sabotage -

Day 10 upon wakeup
.2 pounds down.
Well thats still a loss, so im going to be happy! 2 pounds to go until I see single digits to lose!! Until then, I will be happy with my loss of .2.

Day 11 upon wakeup
Up 1 pound (total loss 10 pounds)
I think its the few bites of mac and cheese I had. Made it from scratch for my husband and daughter. I knew better but still did it. I am kicking myself. I also didnt drink a ton of water yesterday. At least it wasnt 2 pounds. Back on track today! Ive drank 4 glasses of water and 2 juices. Breakfast was pear nectarine. Lunch was mean green. Off to get more decaf green tea with lemon!

Day 12 upon wakeup
Down 1.4 pounds (total loss - 11.4)
Lost the pound I gained! YES!! I am officially at my new low weight. I have 12 pounds to go! Just about half way there. I had a headache yesterday night. It had to be from not drinking enough water/green decaf tea with lemon. I had a mango, kiwi, pear, spinach juice this morning. SO good. The kiwi had an aftertaste which was awesome! Making a tomato, cilantro, lime, celery and bell pepper juice for lunch.. then green juice the rest of the day. *CHEERS*
_ Just donned on me that i havent had a breakout in about 3 weeks, and any flakiness in the scalp is gone.

Day 13, 14, 15
up 1 pound.
Yesterday I did not plan well while working a booth at a local fair for my daughters dance class. I cracked and had a few bites of rice/meat. ARGH!! I forgot my fruit! Tomorrow is a new day.

Day 16
no loss
Back on track and hopefully will see a move downward on the scale!

Day 17
Lost the pound I was up. Down 11 pounds total
Have a bit of a headache this morning, off to drink more water!

Day 18
Down .6 pounds (total 11.6)
I am so excited! 11 pounds to go!!! Forgot to drink alot of water yesterday, but back on track today. Doing a garage sale and its supposed to be 90 out! YEESH! I will hopefully sweat a pound off and will NOT eat the snacks. I have lost my cravings for any of the crap now. Its so nice.

Day 19
DOWN TWO POUNDS (total 13.6)
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! I am SO Excited!! :) Drank a TON of water yesterday due to the 90 day and I hit a new low!

Day 20 - 27
Up three pounds (total lost 10.6)
Due to overflowed toilets in our house and living in a hotel for a week so far, I havent been able to juice. I am up 3 pounds but trying to focus on eating mostly fruits and veggies and buying naked juice to supplement until we can get back in our house. Once I am able to juice again (hopefully tomorrow) I will start Reboot #3.

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