Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jenz Blenz review and giveaway

Jenz Blenz sent me a cool selection of products from her Etsy store.
Dandelion salve, bath bomb, lip balm, lotion bar, and a cool hunk of soap!! I am all about using natural products on my skin. Being a mom is hard work, so why not treat ourselves with affordable options of products that are amazing?

The soap was so cool I had to take a close up of it!

Little Crazy Life "borrowed" everything fun looking and left me the dandelion salve. Let me tell you... I accidently bumped my hand on the hot oven and slightly burned my hand. Within one day of using the dandelion salve it didn't hurt anymore and was completely healed. You NEED this.

The lip balm pot and lotion bar are super cute and smell great. They are great little items and would be great for a purse or diaper bag.

Little crazy life of course loved the bath bomb!
All the containers are super small and very portable which I absolutely love.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ovvio Essential Oil review

Ovvio sent me four bottles of oil. Two are straight oils (lavender and peppermint) and two are blends (Thief plus and ease).  What I LOVE about these oils is they are organically grown and free of chemicals! This makes me VERY happy. They are 100% oil with no dilution. These oils are amazing. The first thing I noticed was the quality of packaging and how the oils were so fragrant that I could smell them upon opening the box. The labels are even high quality compared to many of the oils on the market.
The moment these arrived I had a splitting headache so Ease had PERFECT timing. I didn’t have carrier oil so I applied a light application behind my ears. I dislike taking medicine for headaches (or anything in all honesty). I always like to try alternative measures first for relief.  Within 30 minutes my headache was 50% better and my sinuses seemed clearer. This has peppermint, lavender, grapefruit, roman chamomile, Ravensara, Marjarom, and coriander. It’s a minty yet tangy scent but you can smell the spicy sweetness of the other others. 45 minutes later my headache is gone. LOVE! Look at its benefits here
Thief Plus Protection Blend. I ususally make my own blend of this amazing oil. Ovvio uses cajeput and frankincense as well as the Cinnamon bark, cassia, clove bud, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and peppermint. I love the varience of the smell of this oil. Its very refreshing and helps keep sickness at bay. We use this on my daughters plantars wart to try and get rid of it naturally.  We use this in the diffuser every other night or if schoolmates have been sick.  
Peppermint is one of the worlds oldest medicines and can treat a myriad of issues. Indigestion, respiratory, headaches, nausea, and digestive issues. Ovvio’s comes from India where the quality of its menthol is renowned.  Peppermint clears the mind and helps you be more alert. 
Lavender is another one of my favorites for Littles room at night. This is used to treat headaches, nausea, insomnia, depression, hypertension, motion sickness and wounds and burns.  Mr Crazy Life spilled scalding hot water on his leg a few months ago. I immediately had him put coconut oil and lavender on the wound while it was still red. We repeated this over and over for about 8 days. In which time his leg had completely healed. Keep in mind this water was 195 degrees from a water pot. Lavender has analgesic properties and can heal quite quickly. This is also a great idea to use in a DIY Bug spray to keep you from getting bit.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Goodie Girl Review and Giveaway

Goodie Girl  sent me a #GoGoodie bag. I am in HEAVEN!

Oh, my gosh! These cookies are fantastic!! In a kid world of sugar laden snacks I have been looking for options for us as a family. With Mr. being gluten free we need to find a solution for all of us that taste good.  
Read their story here Glamour magazine, Martha Stewart living and Huffington Post all rave about the these cookies and I agree.

 Quinoa Chocolate chip – SUPER tasty. You would never know there is Quinoa in there!
Midnight Brownie – OVERDOSE! We LOVE these all chocolate cookies. You only need a couple!
Oatmeal Raisin – Just like homemade. These are just the right blend of oatmeal and raisin.
Crunchy Chaos – These are delicious. A bit crunchy for my liking but everyone loved these.
Mint slims – O M G. These were my favorite!!! Who doesn’t love chocolate mint!?
Quinoa cho-chunk packs – my daughter BEGGED for these in her lunch this week. Happy to oblige knowing they are way more healthy than a regular cookie.
Their blog is fantastic and so many ideas! :)
See what the Press is saying about them!

Enter to win!


KeySocks review

 Keysocks Where have you been all my life? These are Knee High No Show Socks for Women.
I have tried nude trouser socks which look horrible with jeans and trousers. Footies don’t work well as they tend to move or slip off. keyhole socks are the best of both worlds!

These babies don’t show with pants and keep you shoes from extra wear. Having size 11 feet its hard enough to find shoes that fit let alone keeping the soles from sticking to your feet in summer and pulling out the insole! I am so thrilled with this product that I can barely contain myself!! They come in fun colors too! Keysocks have been shown on Today, real simple and Buzzfeed!
They also have a 100% guarantee if you don’t like them. However I can almost bet that you will fall in love with them. No more sweaty feet in your shoes!!! These babies are FANTASTIC!!
Shelby McKee came up with this brainchild on the way to a Cincinnati Bengals game. Read more of the story here. She and her sisters have built the PERFECT sock!! I am so in love with these socks because they have solved a problem I have had for a long time!

Enter to win!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Hard Candy Eyeshadow review

Hard Candy sent me two sets of Top Ten Trendsetter collections. I received birthday suit and aphrodisiac. Both compacts have a mirror and amazing hues. The different compacts have tremendous staying power and have matte, shimmer, glitter and metallic finishes.

Look at that color!  Imagine these as highlights to give your eyes extra umpf! They come in neutrals to trend setting colors. Each collection has 10 gorgeous colors to mix and match. So many color combos that you can match to change your look!

Hard Candy is only available at Walmart.

Available in Naturally Gorgeous, Smoke Out, Green with Envy, Feelin’ Blue, Pinking of You, Rated X, Raining Men and Guilty Pleasure