Double R nutrition sent me BuRRn and GRRow to try. I tried them each for one month.
It is hard to determine results in just 30 days of any product. I am very familiar with Garcinia as I have written about this specific ingredient before. It reduces inflammation within the body which can release fat stores within the body. I am not sure what percentage this product has, but for it to be effective it needs to be minimum 50% HCAA – preferably closer to 60%
I didn’t notice a huge weight loss, but I did feel better while on the supplement. The redness in my face lessened (indicating inflammation in the body), and I had more energy. Since I was taking both at the same time it is hard to determine which formula it was or which ingredient it was.
My hair did grow at a faster rate during these supplements but again, i'm not sure which product was the source.
As with any supplement you may want to talk to your nutritionist, doctor or healthcare provider prior to taking. Everyone has different needs or results so your experience might differ from mine and not every vitamin is necessary for every individual. My hair did grow at a faster rate during these supplements but again, i'm not sure which product was the source.